Sunday, August 01, 2010

Revisiting Fractal Compression technique

During the early nineties, I was involved in the Fractal Image Compression research of Ateneo de Manila.  Last night, I uncovered an early IFS-based algorithm implemented by Michael F. Barnsley and Lyman P. Hurd in 1992.  The implementation was written in C and only works on TGA monochrome images.  I modified the algorithm so that it would work on colored images. I then implemented it in C++.

A total of 2304 affine maps are needed to encode the 192 x 192 image below:

Using the said 2304 affine maps, the image below was produced after 16 iterations:

Obviously, the resulting image is not good because the reconstruction errors are very apparent.  I decided to throw away the use of unsigned char (used by Barnsley and Hurd). Instead I used floating point datatype to represent pixel data.  After a thorough code modification, I got the result below:

This result is amazing!  The difference image below shows where the errors are:

While I'm quite satisfied by my implementation, the compression process is slow.  I recall that this is a problem that hindered the progress of our research then.  I may work on this problem again when I get a substantial amount of spare time.

Published Scholars in the Philippines

Using Google Scholar data, webometrics ranks 453 scientists in the Philippines (June 2016 report). Each of these scientists has at least an...